Chapter 3

Slaytor Jackston
26 min readJan 6, 2022

Hoeing is Not Always Prostitution

I want to start this chapter off by highlighting one thing. This chapter is not a means for shaming prostitution. As mentioned before, being a hoe is all about sexual positivity and uplifting others. I do not shame any individual who takes part in sex work, especially those who consent to it on a regular basis and have their consent respected. Additionally, for those sex workers who are being forced into having sex, my heart goes out to you and I will do my best to fight for your liberation and peace of mind. I am fortunate enough to say I am able to empathize with you all, but empathy is not the same as experiencing what you all have gone through. I am not going to force myself to imagine the entirety of what you all have experienced, or at which point those negative experiences began, but I do hope that those who have been forced into sex work are able to find freedom and happiness. With that being said, I feel as though it is time to dive into the chapter.

When a person is called a hoe, it is understood that the individual is either promiscuous, classless, or a tool for the use of pleasuring others. It is, for the most part, negative. It amazes me how people can understand how insulting the term can be, yet are silent about the struggles forced upon our sex workers and prostitutes. I separate these terms because each word has its own societal view. For example, a sex worker is often used when referring to actors within the porn industry, strippers, and escorts. However, when we use the term prostitute, we often think of someone who sells their body on the street corner. But what is the difference between the two? If you ask me, the main difference is consent and ownership.

I want to shatter the myth of what a prostitute looks like. In media, a prostitute looks like the example above. In reality, a prostitute is a child, a teenager, an adult, a spouse, a partner, a friend, an emotionally damaged person, a person overcoming adversity, someone vulnerable, a prostitute looks like all of us. There is no set image of what a prostitute looks like or who they are. However, I would say a prostitute is a survivor that is constantly being victimized. A prostitute is a person who is not free to do what they wish. For some, they are comfortable with all I have said because “at least they’re getting paid” or “if they don’t like it, they can quit”. To those who think this, you are a part of the problem and I want you to go to therapy in order to process through your own hurt and trauma. Additionally, go back to Chapter 2 and reread the lesson on consent.

For those who have money as their religion, I will not judge you, but do not force your religious practices onto others. For those who are not within that religion, money does not mean you own a person’s livelihood. Even when they are employed, looking at things on a broader spectrum, an employee still has a right to live their life while on the clock and off the clock. You are hiring an employee, not a slave. You are hiring a human being with actual feelings and a life outside of work, not a piece of furniture or device that works when you tell it to work. Your employee is not a microwave. They are not an Alexa, Siri, or Cortana. They are a human being who just so happened to be employed by you. Treat them accordingly.

It confuses me how often people dismiss the plight of victims of human trafficking, which is inclusive of prostitutes and hired laborers. Just because a person is being paid for a service, this does not mean they are not entitled to respect. Additionally, just because a person pays for sex, does not mean they are consenting to being raped or required to have sex with the person. Additionally, for the laborers, just because a person is making minimum wage under the law, does not mean they are being paid fair wages in terms of the work they do or able to live a comfortable life.

I think it wise to mention that I am an advocate for sex workers and prostitutes. I wish to see them protected under law. Additionally, I wish to see more resources allocated to those who are being sex trafficked. I am not an expert in all things human trafficking; however, I will be utilizing resources that range from personal experience, which includes my personal shortcomings in reaching out for help on the behalf of others and stories that have been shared privately and publicly. I will also be utilizing the Department of Health and Human Services website. For some, the information I share will make you uncomfortable. For others, the information may be triggering. For those who are triggered, I will always recommend contacting a mental health professional, so you are able to process through those feelings. For those who are uncomfortable, I ask that you lean into your discomfort in order to learn and provide aid to those who may need it in the future.

For the most part, one major difference between being a hoe and someone who is trafficked is having ownership of one’s body. The most important term within the previous statement is “ownership”. For a person to have ownership of their body means they have full autonomy or control of their body to do whatever they desire to do. For example, if they want a haircut, they will get one. If they want to get a tattoo, they will get it. If they want to have sex with two people, they will do it because it is their desire to do so. Those who possess ownership of their body often project the same traits on to others who do not have that privilege. Just to double back on that statement for those who missed the message; it is a privilege to have ownership of your body. To understand this privilege more, think about the difference between someone at age 17 to someone at age 18. Before 18, it is all about parental consent.

Ownership of oneself can easily be taken from a person, especially if that person is underage. As an example, let’s review our discussion on sexual violence. For some survivors of sexual violence, if the survivor was a virgin when they were assaulted, the perpetrator often has ownership of the survivor because the perpetrator took a choice from them. I have been in a similar situation in my life. Something that helped me claim my ownership back from my perpetrators was to change my concept of virginity. I chose to define my virginity as being something that could not be taken but only given away with my consent, and this consent must be respected throughout the encounter. Under the old definition, I lost my virginity as a 2-year-old. Under my definition, I lost my virginity at the age of 19 and I am proud of it because it was my choice.

Having ownership of one’s body is empowering. It allows you the ability to heal and work within your own best interest. You are not living your life for the approval of others. You are living your life for yourself. Additionally, you are living your life in such a way that it inspires others to have ownership of themselves as well. Having ownership of oneself is simply having the ability to be free within any circumstance. Having ownership of your body will make you a better lover, a better friend, a better parent, and a better role model. However, having ownership of oneself requires work and self-reflection. But that will be a discussion for a later chapter.

With all the positivity around the greatness that comes with owning your body, I will be remiss if I do not highlight the most important difference between the hoe and prostitute once more. A hoe has ownership of their own body, however, a prostitute does not. A prostitute is considered the property of their pimp or oppressor.

Keep in mind that a pimp no longer looks like the crowd of a Dave Chappelle skit or the infamous A Pimp Named Slickback. A pimp has a degree behind their name. They are parents. They are professionals. They are influencers and motivators. Pimps and other human traffickers are even people with authority and power like judges and police officers. They are anyone looking to exploit those who are vulnerable for money.

Based on the last statements, some may begin to suggest, “well if a pimp can be all of that, am I being pimped out every time I show up for work?” I understand why some may think that, but remember, this generalization is to show how broad pimping has become in terms of human trafficking and to tie in how the average person you may think is not a pimp may actually be a pimp. For example, your neighbor may be a pimp; well, a better term will be human trafficker. This is not to insight fear, but to educate. The scope of a human trafficker is as broad as the scope of those who fall victim.

There is a difference between a person who chooses to have sex for money and those who are forced into having sex in exchange for money and security. A human trafficker often displays their ownership of their victim by becoming their source of security in every level. They become their victims’ source of financial security, food, social engagement, work-life (or lack of life) balance, health, addiction management, affirmation, confidence, and validation. Essentially, the human trafficker holds all aspects of their victims’ lives. Many survivors and current survivors in the making have been told who they are going to sleep with and are punished when their earnings are not up to par.

I invite the reader to join me in a mental journey. This journey is about love and satisfaction. This is one of those memories that is accompanied by warm scents. Think about the wafting scent of vanilla, honey, and a small hint of cinnamon. Think about the pleasant smell of perfectly baked, homemade cookies. The aroma so tantalizing that it causes your body to shiver. That is the mindset that is needed to join me on this mental journey. If you are not there yet, hopefully you will be there soon.

Imagine, if you will, to a time where you are at your prime and able to enjoy any aspect of your life. There has been heart break in your life, but you are moving past it. You want to be happy. You also want your perfect mate. One day you decide that you are going to make improvements in your life and decide to go to your favorite store for some retail therapy. Soon after making your purchases for the day, you begin your trip back home when you run into an old friend. You have not thought about them in years, but the only thought you have about them now is how much they have changed.

This person is pleasing to your eyes. They are your type. They are the definition of sexiness. As you gaze upon them, you admire their physique. You think about all the things you would rather do with them behind closed doors if you had the chance. I will let you sit in that idea for a while. Let your imagination go wild in the sexual possibilities. From slow caresses to rough sex. From foot rubbing to sexual massages. From discussing possibilities to having deep and intimate conversations. You see a world of happiness and pleasure. You finally snap back into reality when they ask how you have been.

You respond to them letting them know that you have been fine. Life is alright and you are just finding your purpose or something random because you do not really want to be 100% truthful with them. Rather than leaving the conversation, the person mentions they used to have strong feelings for you and asks if you are single. You respond honestly and say yes. The person then tells you that it must be their lucky day, or it must be a fated encounter. They ask you if you would be interested in going out some time. This is where the plot thickens, you tell them no. You tell them that you have a lot on your plate and getting into a relationship right now seems like too much stress. Rather than pushing the topic, the person says it was worth it to ask you no matter the response, but they are happy they had the chance to see you again.

A couple of months pass. By yet another strange coincidence, you run into this person again. They have been on your mind and they look even better this time. This time, you become bold and ask them if they are still available for a date. They coyishly respond saying they do not know. They then smile and say yes. The two of you begin laughing. You enjoy this person’s sense of humor. Their smile makes you feel warm. Their presence is filling. They are a joy to be around.

You are now in an established relationship with this person. For the sake of this story going forward, I will refer to them as your partner. You and your partner have had a wonderful time enjoying each other’s company for the last 6 months. During this timeframe, you have mentioned your dreams of an ideal family. You talk about your ideal job and home. You begin to see how well your life and their life intertwine. Your partner is the one for you. They love you and you love them, regardless of the amount of time you have been together. You can tell this person is the one you have been wanting for a long time. The communication is perfect, and the sex is immaculate. To make it better, this person caters to your every desire.

Before long, you and your partner begin talking about the future of your relationship and living together. Your partner then tells you they actually have enough space at their place for up to 3 extra people. They extend an invitation to move in. They say it is not mandatory, but if you feel the need to move in, the offer is always open. Your partner adds on to the offer by highlighting one of your goals of going back to school to further your education. They say you can go back to school if you want to and you do not have to worry about paying for rent. Your partner even offers to assist you in paying for school, if the need presents itself. You agree to move in and work on your applications together.

After a few months of living together, you realize your partner has become less involved. This does not seem like them because the two of you are able to talk about anything with each other. Your partner tells you that they are agitated because one of their friends left drugs in their car. You tell your partner to get rid of it because you do not want them to be punished for their friend’s mistake. Your partner tells you that there is up to $4,000 worth of drugs that was left and your partner does not have that much cash laying around to cover the cost if and when the friend notices they left the drugs behind. You mention to your partner the only other way to get rid of the drugs other than turning it over to the police or flushing it will be returning the drugs to the friend. They respond by saying they do not trust their friend to come to the house because of the people the friend associates with. Your partner also says their vehicle will be easy to point out in the neighborhood the friend resides in, therefore, dropping it off is out of the question. They then ask you if you are comfortable enough with giving the drugs back to the friend in a safe place where no one will notice. There is some tension in the room. The partner then double downs on reassuring your safety. They reassure you that no one will recognize what is going on. You agree to do it.

The swapping of the drugs went off without anyone noticing a thing, as your partner promised. The friend apologized many times and offered to pay you for the inconvenience. You accept the money which they handed to you in a pouch. When you return home, your partner is there. You tell them of the encounter and tell them about the money the friend gave you. You sit down to count the money and see that the friend gave you $8,000. You share the news with your partner, and they are shocked. Your partner suggests to you to give them $6,000; $4,000 will be stored at the bank and saved for your educational pursuit and the remainder will go to the house fund for emergencies. The rest of the money was for you to spend it on everything that makes you happy. Your partner seems to be back to normal.

You have fully settled down into your new environment. During the last few months, you have turned away from much of your family and friends. Your partner highlights how they rarely reach out to you and that they must be jealous of your happiness. While preparing to go back to school, you make the choice to cut back on work in order to focus more on your education. Because of the emergency fund, you have enough money to support yourself for some time. Also, your partner has been really supportive. You have grown accustomed to your partner leaving small tokens of appreciation around the house and the occasional $300 with a note encouraging you to get something special for yourself. In a sense, your partner has become your main source of joy.

One day, there is an unexpected flood in your home. Your partner tells you everything is fine. Unfortunately, your partner did not have flood insurance; therefore, the repairs will be an out of pocket expense. A contractor comes to the home and advises you and your partner that it may take a month for the proper repairs to be made but may take longer depending on if there is damage to the home’s foundation. Your partner assures you that they have the majority of the expenses covered and asks that you pay roughly $3,000 and book a nice hotel. Your partner says it is obviously time for the two of you to go on a much-needed vacation with each other. The room however will have to be paid out of your pocket.

Your partner gives you a list of 3 luxury hotels; all are less than an hour’s drive away from the home. You attempt to book a room for 30 days and see that the total is close to $10,000. You then inform your partner that if the total amount came from your pockets, you will overdraft your account. Your partner suggest that you pay up to your limit and they will cover the rest. They also say, because of the inconvenience, they will give you a daily allowance just to make sure you enjoy the vacation in full, but to be safe, they will have to get a prepaid card to prevent overspending on the trip. You agree and the two of you head to your luxury vacation.

The first night in the hotel is a night to remember. The two of you make passionate love. You are at peace. You are joyous. The next morning, you want to go to a restaurant next to the hotel for brunch. You remember that you have no available funds in your account and ask your partner for the purchase card. Your partner apologizes and jokingly say they will not give you the card until you give them a kiss. You give them a loving kiss and like magic, the card is in your hand. You take the card and head to the restaurant. At the restaurant you decide to order bottomless mimosas with the daily special. On this day, the special is called Sun and Moon. The waiter says, “The name is an artistic representation of the phases of life. The meal starts out with a bowl of squash puree with caviar strategically placed in the center of the bowl atop a fresh and crispy cracker. This will be accompanied by our house special smoked salmon which sits on a bed of romaine lettuce, shredded carrots, and cherry tomatoes, lightly served, of course, with a generous drizzle of our special balsamic rose vinaigrette. We call it that because we soak our garlic cloves in rose water over night, so our balsamic rose vinaigrette is able to provide each guest with a sweet kiss of romance in every bite”.

You enjoy your meal. You are given your check and see the meal is $65.42. You give the waiter your prepaid card. They return to the table and inform you the card has been declined due to insufficient funds. You contact your partner and tell them of the mishap. Your partner sounds frustrated because the card has $50 on it due to budget constraints as a result of having to pay for the home repairs. You become apologetic. Your partner says, its fine but be smarter next time. Your partner also says they do not know what you are going to do for dinner or other meals during the day. You are hurt by the statement. You feel guilty for putting your partner in the current predicament. Shortly after your conversation, your partner arrives to the restaurant and pays the full balance.

On your way back to the hotel, you apologize to your partner once more. They tell you it is fine. Your partner says they decided to pay the balance because they will rather sacrifice their meals for the day to make sure you are able to enjoy a more affordable meal in the future. Later that day, you and your partner have another round of passionate love making. Afterward, your partner says they are willing to sacrifice a little bit more of their budget so the two of you can order a filling meal off the room service menu. Your partner uploads an additional $50 to the prepaid card. Your partner then places an order and pays for the meal using the prepaid card.

The next week is an adjustment for you, but you become accustomed to living within your $50 budget. You mostly stay in the room to keep yourself from overspending by utilizing the variety of luxury services provided by the hotel. Your partner tends to come and go as they please. Your partner mentions they are looking into new investments opportunities within the city and your mind is more focused on relaxation instead of business ventures. When your partner comes back to the hotel early in the afternoon, they suggest spicing up the sexual relationship by adding a third person. Your partner says it does not have to be ongoing, but they want to give it a try and think you both will like it. They even suggest that the third person can be a person of any gender. Your partner says they are just interested in enjoying the experience with you. You feel as though you owe it to your partner to do something nice for them.

You and your partner agree to find someone together. You and your partner start your search in the bar of the hotel. Your partner points at a few people and asks, “What about them?” You scratch a number of people off of your mental list and finally decide to attempt to have the threesome with a person sitting at the end of the bar. Your partner goes over to them and sparks up the conversation. Before leaving, your partner suggests that it will be best if only one person goes to propose the idea in order to keep from intimidating the person. Both the patron and your pimp look over to you and smile.

Later in the evening, there is a knock at the door. Your partner goes to greet the guest. You are comfortably lying on the bed, waiting for the two of them to enter into the room. Your partner and the person enter into the bedroom, your pimp has a bottle of champagne in one hand and three flutes. Your pimp begins to undress. You begin to follow suit and so does the third-party participant. For the purposes of this story, let’s refer to them as Jay. Jay begins to kiss around your neck while your partner begins to perform oral sex. Jay kisses you down the left side of your body and assists your pimp in performing oral sex on you. Your partner then kisses their way up your body. Their kisses stop at the tip of your nipple. Your pimp’s sweet kisses become passionate licks around the tip of your nipple and circles the outline of your areola. Your partner delivers passionate kisses, licks, bites, and sucks meanwhile Jay is catering to every need and desire of your groin. The passion continues until the late hours of the evening until you have climaxed at least three times.

When you wake up the next morning, you notice there is a roughly $100 left on the counter. You wake to see a text from your pimp saying they really enjoyed themselves last night and Jay enjoyed I, too. I am just going to stop this story at this point. For some, this is their reality as they are eased into prostitution. They are presented with a beautiful dream life just to have that life stripped from them. If I were to continue this tale, there will be a retelling of how deeply indebted the newly recruited prostitute, in this case, you, the reader, has become to your pimp. I will have to shine light on how the pimp deleted messages from your phone while you were not paying attention in order to show that your family does not reach out to you. I will have to shine the light on how much your pimp has twisted your reality in such a way to make you believe that your family is not looking out for your best interest in life because they are jealous. I might even have to highlight that each incident from the flood in the home to the contractor to making you spend all your savings to being at a bar is all within your pimp’s guide for recruiting you. I will have to highlight that the pimp has multiple recordings of you in compromising positions, like delivering drugs to a drug dealer they do business with on a regular basis. I might even have to be sure to mention how your pimp was able to clock you as a potential prostitute before your first surprise meeting. But what I have highlighted is one of the many possible roads to becoming a victim of sex trafficking.

Also, keep in mind that sex trafficking affects our youth. Within the United States, sex trafficking affects our youth within the foster care system at a disproportionate rate. This also affects young adult and teen runaways. I want to share a not so proud moment in my life with you all. Within this incident, I cannot make a claim on the individual’s circumstances, but I do take ownership in failing someone who needed assistance.

One evening, I was at a Waffle House enjoying a great conversation with the staff members. This was a month after the Nashville Waffle House shooting in 2018. Granted, I was not in Nashville, but this was a time where mass shootings were happening on a regular basis (essentially any year prior to COVID-19 — where the shootings continued for a targeted minority population with the same lack of accountability towards the murderers; for the sake of this example, let us call them police and white Americans). We will come back to them later, I promise. Now, back to the story.

While sitting inside, a young boy came into the restaurant carrying a bookbag. For those who are already at the realization of where this is going, remember, I acknowledge I failed to act. For those who are not there yet, I just want to highlight that there was fear in the restaurant. We did not know if there was going to be another repeat of the Nashville shooting. The boy then sat down, and all eyes were on him. He asked if anyone has a phone charger. Unfortunately, no one within the restaurant had one to offer. I would like to add, when he asked, my mind immediately went to the Dylann Roof incident in South Carolina.

Shortly after everyone mentioned they did not have a charger; the boy left the restaurant. A few of the staff members let out a sigh of relief and one of the patrons made a reference that they believed this was going to be the next waffle house on the news. After a few minutes passed and I gained a peace of mind, I realized the boy was homeless and needed help. Each person that was present had failed this child for not taking action and for not asking if he were ok. We failed him by not helping him find safe resources that will benefit him. We allowed our anxiety, for some, past traumas, prevent us from taking action. Though our fears were justified based upon recent events of the time, it is no excuse for our failure. This is partly why the cliché “when you know better, you do better” exists. It is time for us all to better.

As we are, we live in a society where legal loopholes exists in order to safeguard human trafficking. We also live in a society where prostitutes are penalized for their sexual labor, yet many of their buyers are not. Additionally, there have been a multitude of cover-ups involving police officers and sex trafficking which includes the purchasing of prostitutes, sexual abuse of the prostitutes — with some being underage — and physical and emotional abuse of prostitutes. But for some out there, this is okay because that behavior is what prostitutes deserve. For those who think this is what their fellow human beings deserve, seek help. No one deserves to be treated in this manner. If you do not believe so, why is it that there is so much offense taken when a person is likened to a whore, a prostitute, or a slur? Because being called such a term is akin to being called less than human.

In a perfect world, well, in a world where there was proper training of our police force and utilizations of national, statewide, and citywide resources, there will be safe havens for those wishing to escape being trafficked or those who are discovered as a victim. Let me paint a picture of what I would love to see.

First, I want to see a police force that represents the community it is sworn to protect. When I say represents, I mean the officers come from the community, they are more diverse than the community, and receive ongoing education and training that both development the officer professionally and keeps them abreast on the ever-changing demographics of their community. By being more diverse than the community, I am referring to diversity in a sense of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, physical or mental disability, or age. I am looking for the true definition of an equal opportunity employer. I will love to see officers who are trained well enough to provide assistance to individuals in need of help that can only communicate through sign language. Officers who are trained to negotiate before resulting to violence. I will love to see officers treat every person as though they matter and deserve redemption. As it stands, I would rather have a precinct of collegiate level resident assistants (RA) over our current police. You know what, what if every officer is required to go through RA training?

It is a funny thought, but to those who do not know what the typical RA learns during training, here is a brief overview. First and foremost, they learn how to build rapport within their community. Of course, there is the programming aspect of the job, but that will not be the main takeaways here; however, that will better relationships with the community. The typical RA is encouraged to be seen and be available to their community regardless if there is an incident or not. They are encouraged to know the names of each person within their community. The typical RA is encouraged to be a resource to their residents in case their residents have an issue with roommates or other individuals within the community. The typical RA is also encouraged to be a listening ear when their residents come to them just to talk. Ras are also required to seek assistance from professional staff workers when the situation calls for back up or a specific service such as counseling, police issues, or medical emergencies. The typical RA is also trained in de-escalation, conflict management, and breaking up unsanctioned parties on campus.

If you know of any Ras, please reach out to them and give them a hug, if after the pandemic, or just give them warm words of encouragement with a thank you. They deserve it. Ras do a lot. Ras and other housing professionals are often the first responders of incidents on campus and, depending on the campus, the situation is under control by the time campus police arrive to the scene. This is not to say that campus police or the off-campus precincts are unable to handle a situation, but their presence often adds more aggression to a situation rather than a calming feel. Much of this anxiety built around police officers is due to a history of unchecked brutality and the abuse of power. Some of the unchecked brutality includes unarmed shootings, sexual harassment, spousal abuse, sexual violence, coercion, and threats to do harm at the expense of refusing to comply. I am amazed at how many television shows exists that highlight many of the atrocities within our criminal justice system, yet people deny there is a problem. But that is a discussion for another day.

I hope the day comes soon where drug abusers are pointed toward services that will assist them in fighting their addiction. I dream of a society where mental health professionals and social workers are called to the scene of a domestic disputes to ensure the victims have someone to help them process their traumatic experience. Additionally, I will love to see programs geared towards helping repeat offenders and others who are incarcerated process traumatic experiences from their past or those obtained since becoming incarcerated. I wish for the day where the focus of our criminal justice system is more focused on reform and properly preparing inmates on adjusting to life outside of prison with a list of services that will assist in easing the transition rather than focus on the amount of profit that can be made from using next to free labor. I envision the day where sex work is legal and does not allow for abusers to continue to operate without proper consequences. I dream of the day where we all have ownership of our bodies. It is all possible, we just have to be willing to do the necessary work.

Just a reminder to all readers, if you are looking to live the life of the hoe, well the life defined within this text, part of that life requires paying homage and respect to those who hold the title of prostitute. It is unfortunate that there has been an insurmountable number of victims of prostitution who have been brutalized over the years. To those who are survivors, I am sorry for all that you have experienced. I am also thankful and appreciative of the stories you all have shared that have fueled many of the champions against sex tracking. Human trafficking is thriving within the United States and other countries. It is a sad truth, but it is a truth, nonetheless. Human trafficking affects its victims both physically and mentally. For any person who wants to learn more about human trafficking, I encourage you to visit the Department of Health and Human Services website. Additionally, look into some documentaries and TED Talks. There is so much information available to us, we just have to be open to learning and listening. Remaining ignorant is just as active as learning new information. Remember, when you know better you do better. If there must be one lesson learned from 2020, the lesson is ignorance is a choice. Take that however you wish. I said what I said.


National Human Trafficking Hotline

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Department of Health & Human Services Office on Trafficking in Persons

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